Afternoon ‘Healthy Snacks’ can make a huge difference!
It seems that healthy snacks could make or break most people. Is this you? It’s 3pm and you’re peckish, stressed out and perhaps even bored. You are looking for stimulation. Something to get you by, until tea time. So you go for fruit alone or perhaps a biscuit! You are not alone!
The fact is many people sabotage their weight loss efforts with ‘justified snacks’. I say again, you must plan! Let’s take a look at what may be happening.
Boredom- We get bored and we get peckish.
Instead: Take a walk and ask yourself “am I hungry”? Chances are you are not and perhaps your last meal did not have enough healthy fat and protein leaving you un-satisfied. Commonly unbalanced meals which particularly lack the macronutrients protein and fat will leave you wanting more and jittery. Game meats (steak, tuna, eggs) and healthy fats like avo and nuts will curb your enthusiasm to snack.
You self medicate with sugar- When things get tough you turn to sweets. When your angry you smash a chocolate bar. When you are frustrated with your husbands lack of cleaning ability (me) you take a time out with a twix (kristy). 🙂
Realizing that you are often eating due to emotion, rather than hunger can be huge. Try putting in behaviour modifications and simply being mindful. Check this out!
You don’t plan- Firstly understand that there is a reason we get peckish at 3pm. Research shows that our brain needs fats. After approximately 8 hours of being awake our brain needs omega 3’s for a boost. This is why we want a pick up at this time.
Instead: Research shows this is the best time to ingest healthy fats to offset this ‘brain fade’. This is why I am a massive fan of healthy/ fatty meals at this time and not snacks. That being said, below I have suggested some great afternoon meals as well as some snack’s.
Sardines- The ultimate healthy snack
“They are pretty much perfect,” says Lauren Antonucci, a New York City nutritionist. Sardines contain 20 grams of protein per three-ounce serving, and are one of the best sources of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are essential for bone and muscle health.
They’re high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol.Eating a few servings a week can be similar to taking a daily supplement, says nutritionist Lauren Slayton. And they’re safer to eat than other fish. Unlike larger varieties, like tuna, sardines contain lower levels of toxins, such as mercury.
Cottage Cheese, fruit and flaxseed
Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are highly nutritious foods apart; together, they were once proposed as a cancer treatment. Why it works: Cottage cheese is a complete food. Each serving {225g} provides 200 calories, 25 grams of proteins, 10 grams hormone building fats and 8 grams of carbs. One of the proteins is casein which is slow digesting and therefore sustains muscle growth.
Tuna = Healthy snack
A can of ‘sole mare’ tuna in extra virgin olive oil with some red onion, basil and tomatoes is an awesome treat with 25 grams of protein and 10g of fat. Goats fetta optional.
See more favourites here.
Hummus, made with chickpeas, is now sold in single-serving packages that you can grab on your way out the door. These 2-ounce packages clock in at 4 grams of protein, so just slice up some vitamin-packed red capsicum, carrots or celery for a healthy alternative to servo-bought potato chips.
Celery and peanut butter – try combining celery with your favourite all-natural peanut butter to create a throwback snack that’ll remind you of your days in school. Simply cut up a couple of celery stalks and top with your favourite PB. One serving of the nutty stuff is about 2 tablespoons, which works out to about 7 grams of protein.
Homemade popcorn, Instead of buttery movie theatre popcorn, try popcorn flavoured with chilli, cumin and a tablespoon of olive oil. Popcorn is actually a great source of fibre and is low in calories. You can even add extra protein by sprinkling it with nutritional yeast, or “nooch,” which is a vegan option that tastes like parmesan cheese. This gives it a cheesy taste with an extra 8 grams of protein.
Chickpeas, the base ingredient of your beloved hummus, boast an impressive 50 grams of protein in one cup. Break that up into a smaller ½ serving and roast the seeds for 25 grams of protein snacking. Bonus: It also packs plenty of healthy fibre and carbohydrates, both necessary for keeping you going throughout a busy day.
Muscle meal replacement bars and shakes.
Grab one from the centre
Patties- My favourite are leftover fish patties with the hummus (above) and nuts. Or turkey patties, avocado and cucumber. Guys these are meals. Remember our fist and thumb food counter guidelines. If not see here!
What are my healthy snacks?
Personally I don’t snack daytime. I personally always prepare my lunch the night before and bring a second serve for lunch the next day. I then would have a core power meal or leftovers. It’s simple and easy. That being said i’m about to go and eat this. This is a meal from a snack. As you can see I have a palm of protein, a little over 2 thumbs of fat and a fist of veggies.

But when I do snack, I like to keep it simple:
– A can of tuna with tomato
– A protein shake or muscle bar
– A handful of nuts, patties as above.
– Cottage cheese and flax oil
I always have these available to me and these are staples in our office.
Final word of healthy snacks
The key is having something that works for you. Be consistent and find a simple routine to make sure that they are available. Food is fuel!
For me as a business owner and a coach, I might only have a few minutes to quickly grab something before another 3 to 4 hour stint. Planning is crucial. And I’m sure that’s no different for you. Having a plan takes out the guesswork and then you can ensure that you’re doing good things for you your boduy. It’s simply habit.
Again, my favourite snacks are here but these are just to name a few!
Make it happen!
Dion Mychalyn