Motivation doesn’t last and neither does bathing that is why we recommend it twice a day. Try reading the following points daily and more importantly ‘act’ on your findings! What have you got to lose!
- Others see in us what we think of ourselves
- Perception is reality. What you create is the impression you make
- How you think determines how you act and how others react to you
- Look important-It helps you think importantly
- Dress right it always pays.The sharper you look the sharper you will be
- If you think you can or you can’t – YOU’RE RIGHT!
- Think of yourself as sharp, together, informed , interesting and intelligent, and that is what you will be
- To sum up- Practice uplifting self praise, not belittling self- punishment. Think more of yourself, and there is more of you
- Be self-improving in academics, school and friends. Change bad habits gradually, eliminating negativism and wasting time.What you spend most time on is ‘what and who you are going to be’
My favorite of all and what saw my partner kristy lose 10 kilo’s, start a new career, purchase her own business, successfully land the largest corporate wedding flowers in Adelaide and oh yeah… Win Ms Australia!…..‘Be before you are and you will become’!
I will let you ponder that and think of your behaviors in regards to who you are today and who you are becoming tomorrow.
Be before you are and you will become!