So proud of everyone who was part of the latest challenge.
Everyone did an amazing job. We all achieved something. We all gained very important knowledge that we can use for years to come!
Everyone did an amazing job. We all achieved something. We all gained very important knowledge that we can use for years to come!
I learnt that eating isn’t a bad thing. Eating properly to achieve a goal is necessary. Weight training is important to include in your programme. Dedication and determination to succeed was key. But knowing I was doing it for me and no one else, was the main reason I was successful. This is the first challenge in nearly 5 years, that weight loss was not my goal, but to Increase muscle and toning was.
Dion your passion for health and fitness is amazing. You knowledge and patience to teach this passion to others, like myself, is astonishing. You have helped me in so many ways, I cannot thank you enough.
To staff, trainers, coaches of Viva, thank you. You brighten my day everytime I walk through those doors….Even if you are about to smash me in class, I thank you 

I hate using this term but my journey to the current me has been a long one. 8 years ago I started my healthy me journey. There’s been many ups and downs. Weight loss, Weigh regained, weight loss, weight regained again…more weight loss. It’s not an easy road but if you just keep at it, you will succeed. A set back is not a bad thing but a tool to learn from. I’m in the best place mentally and physically then I ever have been before.
My Viva family has been the key to my success this time and i know with your help, its staying this way for good 

First pic is my is me at my absolute heaviest and unhappiest, 8 years ago and second is my finishing the last challenge!