Sometimes it’s not about how you look, it is often about how you feel.
And I was not feeling good.
I was Depressed, Anxious & Angry.
And had tried – what I thought – was everything.
Psychologists, Hypnotism, Acupuncture, Naturopathy you name it.
And they all had their rewards – in fact i still do the acupuncture – but none stopped the sinking feeling of depression.
So desperate was I to find a solution – that i found myself reading an ad on a supermarket wall – talking about hypnotism and how this man could cure, what seemed like all of what i felt. I was so desperate to feel better, I didn’t notice the rubbish in his front yard (yes – it was not an office, it was his home). I did not notice the dark dingy filthy state of his home. I did not notice that he was wearing dirty clothes and socks with thongs on. I still went inside and sat on the smelly sofa and answered his questions….
then .. It was like my heart got out of my chest and suddenly kicked me in the face.
GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! I made some excuse about leaving my iron on and ran out of there.
After a long discussion explaining this with my GP.. he basically threw the box of anti depressants at me.
I left, went home and started doing what most people my age do now .. i googled.
I googled my mood and how to help it. My Mood and why i felt like it. My mood and how it affects my mind. I googled what affects a persons state of mind….
As it turns out – all these feelings I had were all somehow related directly to my nutrition.
So – I chose I Nutrition over medication.
I will make mention, that mental health affects a LOT of people, and a lot of people will handle what they are going through very DIFFERENTLY.
This is my story – and how I have overcome what has kept me clouded for so long. And, I am proud of how I have overcome it – which is why I have chosen to share it, but would never expect that other people feeling the same MUST do what I have done.
Or that this is the only answer.
It was mine, and I have never looked back!
Who knew that eating certain proteins at certain times of the day will wake up the part of your brain that releases good hormones.
Who knew that eating white meat before bed can ensure that my body knows to release serotonin while I’m resting.
Who new that i needed to eat FAT. Good fats. Like a bag of macadamias to keep my brain working – not resting – working.
And that this would make me feel so much more alert and aware of what i needed and what I wanted to do this day – rather than sit on the lounge and watch Ellen…
So – I felt that good after 8 weeks on this new diet, that I decided to train for the INBA stage again, with a new body, great new friends and the best outlook on life i have had in a long time!
I feel the best I ever have and want everyone else to feel the same!! x