Group Fitness Classes & GROUPS

View our timetables for a wide variety of classes and groups held right at our gym in Adelaide.


A well balanced cardio class for the over 50’s to keep you fit and strong

BBBL - Better Balance Better Life

A class for the over 50’s focusing on stretching & balance to prevent falls

BA - Body Attack

An athletic workout that will take your fitness level to new heights

BB - Body Balance

A lovely mix of yoga, tai chi and Pilates to increase flexibility and strength

BC - Body Combat

Kick and punch your way to a fit & fierce you with this mix of martial arts!

BP - Body Pump & Pump express

A total body toning workout that will have you strong and lean in no time using weights! Pump Express is a 30 minute version.

CA - Cardio ATTACK

The ultimate cardio workout! A heap of fun choreographed by your coach, you will run, jump, squat and bounce your way to a fitter you!

SP - Step Party

A freestyle class using Steps to increase heart rate and burn fat while letting go of all inhibitions and moving your body to some great music!

PIL - Pilates

Keeping you strong on the inside and out!

RPM - spin

A cycle workout to music, ride the roads & climb the mountains!

UR - Ultimate Ride

The ultimate cycle workout with all your favourite moves, choreographed by the instructor!

Y - Yoga

Increase flexibility and strength while de-stressing your mind!


Making fitness a habit isn’t easy, but Viva makes it a whole lot more fun! Apply now and get your FIRST 10 DAYS FREE!!


“Inspiring you to live YOUR best life”

Your Family here at Viva Fitness are constantly striving to improve and exceed your personal expectations in creating an enjoyable lifestyle. Through our professional and passionate team, together we will ‘make it happen’…

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