Happy New Year Tips

Happy New Year!

We wish you the best for the coming year and hope that your festive season is both fulfilling and rewarding.
This is a time of the year when families, friends and hobbies play a big part in our life and I like you enjoy this immensely. i personally at the time of this email am visiting our shack on the York Peninsula, fishing and relaxing with friends and family and remind myself daily to savour every moment, as this is what life is all about. It’s even more rewarding as this year my son Jax is among us at 13 weeks and that makes the days even more special.

Well, I am sure you can relate to me when I say that all this food and drink slows you down so what are you doing about it? I put it to you that on holidays you want to feel energetic and enthusiastic about your day and what better way than to do some exercise so you can relieve the guilt from the previous days indulgence. Here’s my own personal tips;
Get up grab some fruit, make a coffee, play with the kids, do something useful (tie your fishing hooks for that arvo- it helps me wake up and feel productive) then exercise. This is usually about an hour after waking before i come back and scramble up a healthy egg breakfast.
Look at activity as exercise throughout the day, just yesterday i didn’t;t do the point above but we had to move a pallet of brick I chose to run and do it myself and got a 15 minute cross training session in. I added a few push ups in because i could!
Get the family involved- Stop looking for no’s and only find yes’s. I.e. “Honey, I really want to take the dogs for a walk and want you to join me, come on it will be fun.” Now run, jog, skip, play have fun and up the intensity by any means possibly- just no rugby tackles guys!
I am sure you have heard ‘It’s 5 o’clock somewhere’…. yes it is but reduce the alcohol and pace yourself. I was always told you had to ‘earn’ your beer so I do some work around the shack, go fishing, play beach cricket first and have a drink at the end of it to enjoy it and reflect!
Just do it! If you have 5 minutes go for it. Last week i took the dogs for a run and found myself, boxing along the way, skipping, doing some parkour stuff and had a great time.
Life’s for living guys- Make it happen….

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