Make a list
My mind is so full of stuff at any given moment, and if I didn’t use
this brain dump strategy, I would go crazy trying to remember all
of them, much less try to do them in order of importance.
And in fact, every once in a while I think I can just remember
important things to do and I fail miserably.
So last night I sat down for an hour, and made a list of absolutely
everything I need to do. I grabbed my to do list on my phone, the
random to do lists that I’ve been carrying around on pieces of paper
in my pocket, and I made one master list of everything personal
and business that I need to do.
And I feel like the weight of the world moved from my shoulders
and onto these two pieces of paper. It was an amazing feeling and
now on this otherwise chilly and slow moving monday morning,
I feel empowered.
So here is what I want you to do. Depending on whether you are
a computer person or a pen/paper person, I want you to make a
list. Write down the numbers 1-100 (you might need a couple
pieces of paper).
Then spend a dedicated 30 minutes and fill up the list. EMPTY
your brain. Even if it’s simple things..just add them to the list.
For example, a list can look like this:
1. Get oil changed
2. Steam clean carpets in gym
3. Fix belt on treadmill
4. Buy and install light bulb in garage
5. Send wife flowers at work
6. Get extra key made
7. Order 100 Gym T-shirts
9. Have a meeting with my personal trainers
10. Clean off desk
Don’t worry about prioritizing that list just yet. Just dump everything
in your brain that you need to/want to/should do over the upcoming
month, and put it on this list.
Then each day I want you to take a note card and write down 4 things
from your list that you will do each day. I call this your 1-4 priorities and you
start with the most important first. Keep it in your pocket to remind you.
You can use a diary butyou still need something tangible to pester your pocket!
Yes, you might have other must do’s pop up throughout the day,
and that’s fine. All I’m asking you to do is do 1-4 things. You cannot
end your day until those three things are accomplished…so I
recommend you try to get them accomplished early in the day.
When you finish one, mark it off your note card. At the end of the
day, go to your master list and mark all three things off of the list,
grab another note card, and put tomorrow’s 3 Must Do items on it.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Do this each day and within one month, you
will have nearly your entire list of 100 things accomplished.
Keep this master list in an easy to find place, perhaps your
nightstand next to the bed at home. And of course, for the
entrepreneurs, who will be thinking of tons of things throughout
the day that are needed to add to the master list. That’s perfectly fine.
On the backside of your note card, jot down anything that comes to
mind throughout the day. Then add it to the master list at night.
There are tons of computer programs, books, theories, and
strategies out there. But this is the one I use because it is easy,
reduced stress immediately, and all it takes is two pieces of paper
and some note cards.
Do yourself a favor, get ready for the New Year by setting the
foundation now. By the second week of January, you can have
100 things completed, allowing you the freedom to focus on
whatever you need to.