10 Nov

Your metabolic rate affects the amount of energy your body uses at all times. Even when you are inactive, your metabolism is still burning calories, just to keep you alive. Therefore, anything that increases your BMR (basal metabolic rate), such as exercise, will have a tremendous impact on using and thereby reducing your fat levels. […]

06 Nov

t has been thought that poor sleeping habits will not help with performance but what about fat loss? Key hormones that stimulate muscle building and recovery are released during good quality sleep being Growth Hormone and Testosterone but hormones that [promote hunger are also released when there is not enough sleep. Ghrelin is a hormone […]

04 Nov

Hi All Often I hear friends, members and staff complain of sleep and what is right and what is wrong. The average person does need anywhere between 5.5 and 8 hours each night. This is bare minimum and as your mental, emotional and physical stress elevates, so should your need for sleep. 1.      Anything less […]

03 Nov

All individuals maintain an ongoing internal dialogue with themselves. Regarding exercise, this self-talk may emphasize positives such as, “I’m looking forward to meeting Bill and Joe today and having a great workoutbefore we all go out to dinner.” Given the challenges that exercise maintenance presents for most, however, self-talk more often gravitates toward statements that challenge persistence such […]

01 Nov

Working at a desk during the day and can take a toll on your posture and leave you feeling stiff at the end of the day. Try some of these exercises at your desk. You’ll not only give your muscles the added benefit of stretching; it will give your mind the mental break it needs […]

30 Oct

Hi guys We love to inspire you daily and here is your daily inspiration and the best way to tone up your butt. Allow yourself to laugh while watching with the fabulous dan and Suz (butt masters) presenting for you. Click here to learn how to squat. Also I love this recipe so much and the sun is shining, […]

28 Oct

While there is no “quick-fix” or magic solution for weight loss, there are some “super foods” that provide multiple nutrients to your diet, fill you up without excess calories and are easy to include in every-day meals. These foods will help satisfy dietary guidelines and may even include foods or nutrients that are missing from […]

27 Oct

The “Squat” is one of the best exercises for fat loss and toning of your legs, buns and even abs!! But! Are you doing it right?? Suz from the PUSH_ teams takes us through correct squatting technique to have your buns rock hard in no time!!

26 Oct

Did you know… Spice has lots of benefits which indirectly help in fat loss. It controls blood sugar levels, helps to maintain insulin sensitivity, a very powerful antioxidant, may have antibacterial and antifungal properties and dozens of other benefits. Cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity, which essentially means that it is helping your body to control […]

22 Oct

Here are 5 ways to maximise your metabolism! Did you know that by eating often you do maintain your metabolism but more importantly give the body the food it needs to think and work. You also can only take so many nutrients in at any time so eating one meal a day means you are […]

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